Veterinary Professional

Diagnostic Pathology

Visit our Diagnostic Pathology service.

Our laboratory service is led by Elizabeth (Butty) Villiers supported by a team of Clinical Pathologists (Kathleen Tennant, Nic Ilchyshyn, Christine Dubeau Essa and Kate Irvine) and our Clinical Pathology Resident Melissa White. Our histopathology service is headed by Anatomic pathologist Rachel Pittaway, supported by Roberta Rasotto and Emilie Cloup.

Full information relating to our comprehensive range of tests, with sample requirements and turnaround times, are available here.

The laboratory offers a wide range of diagnostic tests including cytology, histopathology, haematology biochemistry, microbiology (including MIC testing), endocrinology, urinalysis, haemostasis and therapeutic drug monitoring. We are also one of a very few laboratories to offer flow cytometry for the evaluation of suspected leukaemia and for immunophenotyping of lymphomas.

We operate a courier service that collects samples from practices throughout East Anglia.

Our highly qualified pathologists have a clinical background and therefore understand the needs and concerns of busy practitioners. When preparing clinical reports we aim to provide the most useful and relevant advice relating to the investigation of both routine and challenging cases. Veterinary surgeons using our laboratory have direct telephone access to the pathologists for case discussion and advice. Such discussions are often invaluable in reaching an accurate diagnosis and getting the maximum benefit from laboratory tests.