Neurology and Neurosurgery

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Extra information about Neurology and Neurosurgery

Yes, meningitis is often diagnosed in dogs. Most commonly this condition has an underlying autoimmune disorder although infectious causes of meningitis must be ruled out to ensure the safety of other pets in the household and other members of the family.

Seizures are a symptom suggesting that the electrical activity of the brain is altered. However, the causes of seizures are not always found in the brain. This means that, ideally, every patient that experiences seizures should have a thorough assessment including a physical and neurological examination, blood tests, MRI of the brain and spinal tap.

Neurosurgeons performs a wide range of operations, including:

  • brain surgery to decompress traumatic brain injuries, to correct congenital brain malformations or to remove/biopsy brain tumours;
  • spinal surgery for the treatment of intervertebral disc disease, spinal fracture stabilisation, to address congenital spinal malformations and treat tumours which are compressing the spinal cord;
  • muscle and nerve biopsies to investigate causes of generalised weakness;