Ferran Valls Sanchez

Dip.ECVIM-CA (Internal medicine), RCVS Internal Medicine Specialist

Consultant in Internal Medicine


Ferran graduated from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2011 and completed a general internship in a small animal referral hospital in Barcelona, rotating through all services.  Afterwards, he spent a further year in another referral centre in Barcelona, dealing mainly with critical care and emergency cases. In 2014 he moved to the UK to undertake a one-year general Internship.

Ferran has always had an interest in Gastroenterology, endoscopy and haematology and joined us in 2015 and is now a RCVS Internal medicine specialist. In 2019, he became a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. His particular interests are gastroenterology, endoscopy and haematology.