Audrey Belmudes

Consultant in Diagnostic Imaging



Audrey graduated from Toulouse Veterinary School, France, in 2013, before completing a one-year rotating Internship. In 2014, she undertook a Residency in Diagnostic Imaging and, after  obtaining the Diploma in 2018, she moved to the UK to work in a referral hospital prior to joining DWR in 2019. Audrey enjoys all aspects of diagnostic imaging and has developed particular interests in oncology, musculoskeletal ultrasound, neuroimaging and imaging-guided procedures. She values the combination of clinical work and teaching.


Galliano, A., Belmudes, A., Bacon, N.J. (2019) Cholecystocutaneous fistula and associated cholelithiasis in an eight-year-old dachshund. Vet. rec.  Case reports.

Belmudes, A., Pressanti, C., Barthez, P., Castilla-Castaño, E,, Fabries, L. and Cadiergues, M.C. (2018) Computed tomographic characteristics in 205 dogs with clinical signs compatible with middle ear disease: a retrospective study. Vet. Dermatol.

Belmudes, A., Couturier, J., Gory, G., Cauvin, E., Condamin, G., Rabillard, M. and Rault, D. (2017) Computed tomographic characteristics of pneumolabyrinth in a French bulldog with otitis media and externa. Vet. Radiol. Ultrasound.