50,000 patients…… and counting!

23 January 2019


We are pleased and extremely proud to announce that patient number 50,000 has just come through our doors for specialist treatment. Rosie Bates is a 9-year-old domestic short haired tabby cat who was referred to us because she had a full thickness corneal laceration in her left eye. Neither she, nor her owner, had any idea of the significance of their visit but, for DWR, it reflects 15 years of providing referral services to over 3,000 dogs and cats each year.


A complete and thorough ophthalmic examination demonstrated that the corneal wound in Rosie’s left eye was leaking and therefore surgical intervention was recommended. One of our Ophthalmology Residents, Renata Stavinohova, performed the operation, placing corneal sutures followed by a conjunctival hood graft, in which a flap of adjacent conjunctiva was used to cover the laceration. This procedure, facilitated by the use of an operating microscope, provides mechanical support, encourages healing and provides a route for antibiotics to reach the affected area. As well as marking a significant landmark, Rosie’s case illustrates the level of advancement in veterinary science that has been achieved in the 15 years since DWR first opened its doors. We are happy to report that Rosie has recovered very well and her owner tells us that she has been enjoying her life as before.