Holter Monitoring at DWR

18 January 2017


We are pleased to announce that Dick White Referrals is now the proud owner of Holter Monitoring Service.

The service was developed by Ruth Willis BVM&S, DVC, MRCVS to help with the diagnosis and monitoring of certain small animal heart conditions characterised by abnormal heart rhythms.

Holter monitoring provides a non-invasive means of recording heart rate and rhythm over a period of 1-7 days. Our service provides Holter monitors to veterinary surgeons together with the consumables required to obtain a recording, detailed instructions for attaching the monitor and an information sheet for the owner.  Our Cardiology Team will then analyse the information obtained.

Ruth Willis recently joined DWR as a Cardiology Consultant and the Holter Monitoring Service now benefits from the additional expertise of her colleagues Jon Wray BVSc CertVC, DSAM, MRCVS and Domingo Casamian Sorrosal DVM, CertSAM, DVC, DECVIM, MRCVS. This collaboration will ensure a rapid turnaround of analysis and a first class service.

This is the only Holter analysis service in the UK where the analysis is performed by veterinary Specialists and, as a result of experience gained over the last 11 years, we are able to produce superior reports that are as clinically relevant as possible, as well as appropriate advice on case management.

For further information, please contact: info@holtermonitoring.co.uk