Adverse weather back up plan at DWR

06 October 2020


In line with current government advice, unfortunately we are still unable to invite visitors and clients into the hospital. However, we are acutely aware that we may well encounter adverse weather conditions over the coming weeks and months and we are doing everything we can to make things as comfortable as possible for our clients and their pets.


Therefore, from Monday 5th October, we have relocated our reception to a heated, well-lit marquee within in the client car park that has socially-distanced seating available.  Although we will need to limit the number of people occupying it at any given time, we hope to be able to accommodate clients at the times that their pets are collected for admission and for all discharge procedures. The marquee will be open between 8.00 am and 7.00 pm Monday to Friday, 9am 5pm on Saturdays and 10am – 4pm on Sundays and members of our Client Care Team will be present to welcome you to DWR, answer any questions and help ensure that all of the administrative and financial aspects of your visit are processed as efficiently as to possible.

Clients will be able to choose to go into the marquee and present to the Admissions Desk on their arrival, but we also understand that there will be people who do not wish to enter this airspace, in which case we are more than happy for clients to report their arrival to our Client Care Team via telephone on 01638 590273, and then wait in their car for a telephone consultation with the appropriate clinician.  Our discharge desk is also now located within the marquee and we ask all clients who are willing to go to this desk to do so when it is time for your pet to come home.  For clients who do not wish to enter the marquee, your clinician will be happy to perform the discharge procedures adjacent to your car, and any further administrative matters can be addressed via telephone.

We are hoping to be able to offer warm drinks within the marquee but this will be strictly by table service only. There is comfortable seating and hand sanitising stations are available, and we will obviously be asking all those in the marquee to adhere to social distancing procedures, to follow the entry and exit routes and to wear face masks at all times please.  With particular reference to social distancing, we also ask that whenever possible only one owner per patient comes into the marquee at a time; thank you for your understanding.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our clients for their understanding and willingness to help us keep them, our colleagues and our patients safe.