
Mark Coia


EBVS® European Specialist in Diagnostic Imaging

Having graduated from The University of Glasgow Veterinary School in 2008, Mark spent 3 years working in small animal practice in Scotland, followed by 3 years working in Australia. Whilst in Australia, Mark developed a strong interest in Diagnostic Imaging and following his return to Glasgow Veterinary School in 2015, he undertook a one-year rotating internship in small animal medicine and surgery, followed by six months working for the out of hours (OOH) service at the Small Animal Hospital. In 2017, Mark began his four year ECVDI Residency training which he completed in 2021.

Prior to joining NDSR, Mark completed a residency in Diagnostic Imaging at the University of Glasgow’s Small Animal Hospital. He enjoys developing his skills in relation to the advanced imaging modalities of CT and MRI.